Vintage flooring, like classic clothing is a highly sought after flooring alternative today. Antique flooring is essentially old new or flooring flooring that has been made to seem as if it's extremely old. Broadly , vintage flooring has a worn look and a thickness to it that new floors might at times be thought to lack.
Vintage flooring has become highly desired thanks to the knock on effect of this requirement for reclaimed wood flooring. Because reclaimed flooring is in limited distribution, it's common for individuals fail to track down what they're looking for at a price they are ready to pay. At this point these individuals are highly likely to think about flooring which has been automatically obsolete, distressed, coloured and stained to give it an older, or vintage look.
The techniques utilized to produce new flooring take on a classic appearance are diverse and increasing all of the time. Normally, debilitating a wood flooring is the method used to create the classic appearance. Distressing entails damaging the flooring to make it seem like it has endured many years of wear and tear. By hand, chains, scrapers, hammers and other harmful items are utilized to produce the distressed, or classic effect that's so desirable now. A distressed hardwood flooring implies that the flooring has an extensive history and a small story to tell. A look that works nicely in both modern and traditional interior configurations, it's simple to see why distressed, or antique hardwood flooring is so desired.
Another option to hand painful is for floors to be tumbled. A tumbled floor is wood flooring which has a very similar looking end to hand distressed or classic flooring. Tumbling involves rotating the floor boards in a huge drum where they roll about and bounce off each other causing damage to both the faces and the edges of the planks. The end result of tumbling is arguably more arbitrary than hand distressing and it has the added benefit of debilitating the borders of the planks, which serves to change the overall look when the floor is laid, giving it a really commendable, classic look.
As a result of the effectiveness of those techniques, manually"vintage-d" floors cost a fraction of the purchase price of a reclaimed flooring, but by it's very nature will not have the exact same heritage or ecological value as the actual thing.